Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Some Good Lines

I haven't given you any updates on the musings of J lately, so here are a few that I made a note to share.

Upon handing me a giant booger:
"I am just picking a booger. Yeah. It's the last booger I ever did see."

In response to a request to keep his legs up during a diaper change:
"I want to play with my penis!!!"
(So soon????)

There is a show J watches where their tag line is "Go make music." They also sign it as they say it. Said after we refused a $6 song by the mariachi band at a Mexican restaurant in San Antonio: "Go make money!!!"

On telling my dad what he did at Nummi's house:
"There were some chickens, and a horse. It's name is Beach. Yeah. And there was a bern." Dad says, "A what?" J says, " A bern. There was a big bern. With more chickens."
Ahhh!!! The Texas twang is already emerging!

In response to telling him he would have to clean up and come inside for a bath soon:
"You just relax right there, Mommy. I have important jobs to do."

While talking to himself and playing in the bath tonight:
"Do you want a cappuccino? That would be great (dumps water into a cup). Do you want cinnamon on your cappuccino? Oh that would be great." (dumps more water into cup)
No idea where he learned about cappuccino since I only drink lattes. I do put cinnamon on them, but still...


feather nester said...

Wow, yeah, you're busted! Too much Starbucks for you! Ha! These are awesome. I love these posts.

Sarah Berry said...

Wow - these are priceless! I swear you could have an entire blog of just funny toddler quotes.

My favorite is definitely the one where he told you to relax!! Love it!

Ouiser said...

i love it. the best i have is s saying, "it's okay, toes," after she dropped something on them and hurt them.

Anonymous said...

your son it too cute and clever! I love how he wants to serve you cappuccino's , ha! Oh how i wish i could meet him & we lived closer, he's getting so big! He is so adorable!!!!!!!

die Frau said...

I love J-isms. Keep them coming!

My friend M's son is two and has also discovered his male anatomy and screamed that word at a neighbor the other day. Whoops.