I started and did not finish a number of posts, and I know this has left some of you missing me. Everything is fine and is just extremely busy. Little Miss started crawling about a week ago and it's kept me on my toes. Then the holidays and December birthday fever (read: 7 family birthdays in December!) took hold and blogging was the last thing on the list.
A quick update from the last month+
We took a trip to Dallas so that I could attend a reading conference and rack up some ce credits. It was good, but left me feeling pretty negative towards teaching in Texas. I started a whole post about why, and perhaps I will actually finish that one. Let's just say the low salaries aren't the only thing justifying my desire to stay home longer.
Dear friends B from San Fran, and Roasted Beat came for a visit just before Thanksgiving. The weather was horrible until the last day, but it was so great to catch up and have time to spend with them that didn't involve somebody's wedding. I hope we can get together again like that soon!
We shared a lovely Thanksgiving with other family-less Austin friends. Great food, great company, cooperative napping babies, and super well-behaved three year olds.
We now have a lumberjack in our midst complete with a lumberjack song. The jacket is a coincidence that I bought last year on sale.
Santa has begun watching J to see if he deserves a bike for Christmas.
In addition to the crawling, Little Miss has begun solids and also graces us with one of the worst sounds in the world. If you didn't see her face, you would think she was being poisoned and is trying to cough up a hairball at the same time, but she actually smiles as she vibrates the back of her throat and tries to clear said hairball. An awful, wonderful sound. She also takes food best from her big brother, so we let him feed her quite a bit.
We got our tree. It took over three hours to get standing correctly in our living room. There were some slight miscalculations of the height of our ceiling.
We decorated the house with lights. Everyone does this so early in Texas (the day after Thanksgiving) that I was beginning to feel that we were really out of the loop. Some really cold weather didn't help us get this done any earlier. (J also got to see snow!)
I turned 34 yesterday. Saying it sounds so old, but I don't feel that way at all. The boys made me a cake and it was yummy. J thinks I am the coolest because I kept sneaking him little pieces out the refrigerator while he was eating his breakfast a la Bill Cosby. I mean, cake for breakfast really is the best way, is it not?
I will try to be better about posting, but it will more than likely be after Christmas. I do promise to post pictures so you can see how Christmas as the S household was.
1 comment:
Have been waiting for an update. I always look forward to the pictures. Loved the lumberjack & reindeer best.
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