Saturday, February 27, 2010

And on to Four (A Few Weeks Late)

My parents are too poor for real teething toys, so I eat my brother's socks.

I steal toy guitars from 4 year olds in order to feel special. Yep, you're indeed special!

The rightful owner of said electric guitar gets a go at it.

Looking more like a 4 year old hippy birthday boy, J opens his saxophone from his sister.

Rockin' electric guitar cake. Notice the comma cupcake. I am that kind of nerd. Punctuation is important!

(The strings are licorice laces, which is why they do not look straight. Also, you have no idea how much red coloring went into making that color frosting. Everyone's teeth looked bloody. It was a great combo with the black frosting. I didn't get any teeth photos though.)


Pam said...

Liked the pictures.

Sarah Berry said...

I need details on how you made that cake!! It's so beautiful!

Beth said...

It may be time to consider opening your own bakery. That cake is insane!!!