Ocean exploration... J has no fear when it comes to the water and the great big Atlantic was no exception! Getting knocked over by waves and the undertow didn't deter him from trying to "swim" by himself. He gave me many mini heart attacks!
Golf lessons....When you live near a golf course and watch the golfers in the morning, you need to practice your own putting-- indoors because it rained for two days.
Horseback riding... J got to experience his fair share of carousel rides at a great park and at the zoo.
Dressing up for formal occasions.... Happy Easter!
Searching for hidden treasure.... egg hunting also took place indoors because of the rain.
The best line of the week occurred during Easter brunch. The Easter bunny came to visit our table. J was so excited to shake his/her hand and had been talking about how the easter bunny would bring him bacon at the restaurant (strange, but true). After his little tableside visit, J said to his furry friend, "Bye bye, go back to the mall." We couldn't stop laughing. This kid makes so many connections, it cracks me up and amazes me.
Now it's back to more ordinary things like pulling weeds, laundry, and grocery shopping. All good vacations must come to an end.