Tuesday, March 04, 2008

His Mama's For Obama

The S family took to the polls this morning before B had to go to work. J really wanted to vote because he loves those stickers, remember? We used the computerized poll so we didn't have to sit and fill in bubbles. J really wanted a chance to vote for himself and didn't like the fact that he has to wait 16 more years to get a chance. As we were getting in the car, he kept asking for a boat. Boat? Boat? BOAT!!!!! J want BOAT!!! I think he was getting his consonants confused. While we were at the polling place, we kept encouraging J to say "Mama's for Obama!" which he did continuously. We really wanted the local Republican commisioner candidate to hear him, but she was busy. Seriously, this woman has probably spent just as much money running her own local campaign as the national candidates. And we really don't want her to win because she wants to build a toll road to get to the toll road with taxpayer money...don't get me started.

Anyway, we went about the rest of our day. J and I were at Panera eating lunch when he needed to have his diaper changed. Small tangent rant.... if a place has high chairs, they should also have a changing table... I'm sure they aren't expensive, so the fact that I had to put my child on the floor of a bathroom stall to change his diaper really makes me mad...and I will be writing a letter of complaint. As he was laying as still as possible because his head hurt on the tile (can you blame him?) he started yelling, "Mama for Bama! Mama for BA-MA!" The lady in the adjacent stall was cracking up. I told J that he should become a delegate and get on the campaign trail. He liked that idea and said, "J delegate for BA-MA! On campaign trail! On campaign trail!" This made the lady laugh even more, which made J squirm all over the place, which made the hard floor diaper change very unpleasant...(if you're wondering, I don't carry around a big diaper bag anymore, so I don't carry a changing pad with me since we never seem to need it)

Later on tonight we get to vote again in the caucus, which is part of the "Texas two step." It's kind of strange that you vote twice, but it's kind of cool at the same time. B and I find it very exciting that Texas has a chance to do something good for a change, after providing this country with such a moron for the last 7 years.

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